Join us to monitor the air quality in Bicocca!

The POLARIS Interdepartmental Research Centre is organizing, within the MUSA project, a monitoring campaign to evaluate air quality in the Bicocca district of the city of Milan.

The Project involves the use of low-cost sensors capable of estimating the concentrations of PM₁, PM₂.₅, PM₁₀, CO and CO₂ to evaluate the personal exposure of citizens within the Bicocca district and during travel to and from the University based on the environments frequented and their lifestyles.

The measurements carried out will allow to obtain a spatial and temporal representation of air pollution in the Bicocca district. Furthermore, they will also allow the study of the relationships between outdoor and indoor pollution.

Join the University monitoring network and participate in the research, we will involve you as soon as the activities start!

To join the initiative fill out the form:

For more information on the project and the activities that will be carried out in the coming months, contact Luca Pagliarulo ( or Sara Marchetti (