SA.MA.NT.A – ScAling-up di un sisteMA aNTi-particolato, anti-coronavirus, biocida Autorigenerante
The SA.MA.NT.A project is a scaling-up innovation of a filtration system capable of retaining the totality of particulate matter with diameter greater than 4nm (inorganic, organic, and biological PM) and providing >99.99% filtration efficiency, suitable for any indoor environment.
The system allows the inactivation of COVID-19 and a general biocidal action against all biological elements. It is indeed based on a heat treatment for the inactivation of COVID-19 virus and for the combustion of all particulate material collected on the filter, resulting in a completely biocidal as well as self-healing action of the filter itself, eliminating the production of special waste.
The system is designed to be independent from all possible variants of COVID-19 and any possible future pandemic biota, being the system based on a universal method of inactivation and destruction of any biological structure based on carbon chemistry (thermal method with the possibility of acting up to 900°C).
Project Coordinator: Luca Ferrero