New Article published!

New Article published!

What is the connection between pollution and COVID19?

The POLARIS “Health and Environmental Sustainability” Research Centre has demonstrated how air pollution can play a crucial role in the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the resulting severity of the COVID-19 disease. The study, recently published in the journal Environment International, paves the way for a greater understanding of how atmospheric particulate matter can influence and facilitate the possibility of contracting respiratory diseases transmitted by viruses or bacteria and provides fundamental information to understand how the population responds to the same threat depending on the quality of the environment in which it lives.

To find out more, read the interview with our researchers, edited by the press office of the University of Milan-Bicocca.

Further information on Environment International:

Marchetti S, Gualtieri M, Pozzer A, Lelieveld J, Saliu F, Hansell AL, Colombo A, Mantecca P. On fine particulate matter and COVID-19 spread and severity: An in vitro toxicological plausible mechanism.




IT-BEST project aims to characterise the formation, the atmospheric ageing and the toxicological effects of ultrafine particles (UFP) resulting from the combustion of biofuels. Indeed, combustion processes involving biofuels may emit UFP that are actually different in size, chemical composition and health effects than those from conventional fossil fuels.

The special interest in UFP is related to evidence, currently available in the literature, that biofuels reduce the total particulate matter emitted, but simultaneously produce smaller particle size with a relevant number concentration, which are potentially more toxic.

Experimental measurements using an atmospheric simulation chamber, will be performed to determine the effect of different biofuels composition, on UFP numbers, size, chemical composition and their transformation under relevant atmospheric conditions as well as their toxicological assessment.

The expected outcome of the research project will result in a better the understanding of different nature and health-related toxicological effects of the carbonaceous particle formed during the combustion of biofuels.

Call: PRIN2022

Grant Agreement: 2022CH87SA

Project Coordinator: Dario Massabò (UNIGE) and Gianluigi De Falco (UNINA Federico II)

UNIMIB WP leader: Maurizio Gualtieri

Scientific Publications 2022

  • Bengalli B, Zerboni A, Bonfanti P, Saibene M, Mehn D, Cella C, Ponti J, La Spina R, Mantecca P. Characterization of microparticles derived from waste plastics and their bio-interaction with human lung A549 cells. J Appl Toxicol. 2022 Dec;42(12):2030-2044. doi: 10.1002/jat.4372. Epub 2022 Aug 30.
  • Bonfanti P, Colombo A, Saibene M, Motta G, Saliu F, Catelani T, Mehn D, La Spina R, Ponti J, Cella C, Floris P, Mantecca P. Microplastics from miscellaneous plastic wastes: Physico-chemical characterization and impact on fish and amphibian development. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021 Dec 1;225:112775. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112775. Epub 2021 Sep 15.
  • Bragato C, Mostoni S, D’Abramo C, Gualtieri M, Pomilla FR, Scotti R, Mantecca P. On the In Vitro and In Vivo Hazard Assessment of a Novel Nanomaterial to Reduce the Use of Zinc Oxide in the Rubber Vulcanization Process. Toxics. 2022; 10(12):781.
  • Ferrero L, Scibetta L, Markuszewski P, Mazurkiewicz M, Drozdowska V, Makuch P, Jutrzenka-Trzebiatowska P, Zaleska-Medynska A, Andò S, Saliu F, Nilsson E. D, Bolzacchini E. Airborne and marine microplastics from an oceanographic survey at the Baltic Sea: An emerging role of air-sea interaction? Sci Total Environ. 2022 Jun 10;824:153709. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153709. Epub 2022 Feb 9.
  • Ivanova A, Ivanova K, Fiandra L, Mantecca P, Catelani T, Natan M, Banin E, Jacobi G, Tzanov T. Antibacterial, Antibiofilm, and Antiviral Farnesol-Containing Nanoparticles Prevent Staphylococcus aureus from Drug Resistance Development. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 7;23(14):7527. doi: 10.3390/ijms23147527.
  • Massimino L, Bulbarelli A, Corsetto P. A, Milani C, Botto L, Farina F, Lamparelli L. A, Lonati E, Ungaro F, Maddipati K. R, Palestini P, Rizzo A. M. LSEA Evaluation of Lipid Mediators of Inflammation in Lung and Cortex of Mice Exposed to Diesel Air Pollution. Biomedicines. 2022 Mar 19;10(3):712.
  • Perucca, M.; Capuano, L.; Magatti, G.; Rosa, F.; Mantecca, P. Environmental Performance of Road Asphalts Modified with End-of-Life Hard Plastics and Graphene: Strategies for Improving Sustainability. Processes 2022, 10, 2151.
  • Traina G, Bolzacchini E, Bonini M, Contini D, Mantecca P, Caimmi S. M. E, Licari A. Role of air pollutants mediated oxidative stress in respiratory diseases. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2022 Jan;33 Suppl 27(Suppl 27):38-40.
  • Zerboni A, Rossi T, Bengalli R, Catelani T, Rizzi C, Priola M, Casadei S, Mantecca P. Diesel exhaust particulate emissions and in vitro toxicity from Euro 3 and Euro 6 vehicles. Environ Pollut. 2022 Mar 15;297:118767.



BIOMAT – Open  Innovation Test Bed for Nano-Enabled Bio-Based PUR Foams and composites

The POLARIS Research Center is involved in the European BIOMAT project, funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 framework (Grant Agreement nr.) with the aim of establishing an Open Innovation Test Bed (BIOMAT-TB) with a Single-Entry Point (SEP) . The aim of this project is to accelerate a sustainable European bioeconomy through the development of nanomaterial-based and advanced polyurethane foams (PUR Foams) for various companies (building, construction, automotive, furniture, textiles).

Project ID:953270; Call ID: H2020-EU.2.1.3. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Advanced materials;   H2020-EU.2.1.2. – INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP – Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies – Nanotechnologies

Project coordinator: Dr. Mariana Ornelas (CENTI)

Dissemination Manager: Dr. Pnina Dan (OSM-DAN LTD).

Partner UNIMIB – POLARIS Prof. Paride Mantecca is leader of WP7 – Recycling technologies, nanosafety and regulatory issues with specific focus on Nanosafety and toxicology (Task 7.2).

Further information can be found at the link.

Discover more on the project here!




The Interdepartmental Research Centre called “Environmental Health and Sustainability – POLARIS” aims to increase and integrate the state of knowledge in the following macro-areas of research:


Monitoring of air quality in indoor and outdoor environments and study of the impact on human and environmental health, with focus on the presence of air contaminants and the spread of pathogens.

Recent Projects:


To find out more, visit the dedicated page


Support for the development of safe, sustainable and innovative (nano)technologies, with assessment of their safety during the entire life cycle (circularity). Study of emerging contaminants, their impact on health and risk prevention and mitigation strategies.

Recent Projects:


To find out more, visit the dedicated page


Evaluation of the environmental, economic and social impacts of products and processes; development of environmental policies with a view to sustainability and circularity.

Recent Projects:

To find out more, visit the dedicated page

Scientific Publications 2021

  • Bengalli R, Fiandra L, Vineis C, Sanchez-Ramirez DO, Azoia NG, Varesano A, Mantecca P. Safety Assessment of Polypyrrole Nanoparticles and Spray-Coated Textiles. Nanomaterials (Basel).2021 Aug 3;11(8):1991.
  • Bengalli R, Colantuoni A, Perelshtein I, Gedanken A, Collini M, Mantecca P, Fiandra L. In vitro skin toxicity of CuO and ZnO nanoparticles: Application in the safety assessment of antimicrobial coated textiles. 2021 Jan;21:100282. doi: 10.1016/j.impact.2020.100282. Epub 2020 Dec 7.
  • Bertero A, Colombo G, Cortinovis C, Bassi V, Moschini E, Bellitto N, Perego MC, Albonico M, Astori E, Dalle-Donne I, Gedanken A, Perelshtein I, Mantecca P, Caloni F. In vitro copper oxide nanoparticle toxicity on intestinal barrier. J Appl Toxicol. 2021 Feb;41(2):291-302.
  • Bonfanti P, Colombo A, Saibene M, Motta G, Saliu F, Catelani T, Mehn D, La Spina R, Ponti J, Cella C, Floris P, Mantecca P. Microplastics from miscellaneous plastic wastes: Physico-chemical characterization and impact on fish and amphibian development. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021 Dec 1;225:112775.
  • Botto L, Bulbarelli A, Lonati E, Cazzaniga E, Tassotti M, Mena P, Del Rio D, Palestini P. Study of the Antioxidant Effects of Coffee Phenolic Metabolites on C6 Glioma Cells Exposed to Diesel Exhaust Particles. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jul 23;10(8):1169.
  • Deokar AR, Perelshtein I, Saibene M, Perkas N, Mantecca P, Nitzan Y, Gedanken A. Antibacterial and In Vivo Studies of a Green, One-Pot Preparation of Copper/Zinc Oxide Nanoparticle-Coated Bandages. Membranes (Basel). 2021 Jun 22;11(7):462.
  • Floris P, Garbujo S, Rolla G, Giustra M, Salvioni L, Catelani T, Colombo M, Mantecca P, Fiandra L. The Role of Polymeric Coatings for a Safe-by-Design Development of Biomedical Gold Nanoparticles Assessed in Zebrafish Embryo. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2021 Apr 14;11(4):1004.
  • Furxhi I, Bengalli R, Motta G, Mantecca P, Kose O, Carriere M, Haq EU, O’Mahony C, Blosi M, Gardini D, Costa A. Data-Driven Quantitative Intrinsic Hazard Criteria for Nanoproduct Development in a Safe-by-Design Paradigm: A Case Study of Silver Nanoforms. ACS Appl Nano Mater. 2023 Feb 16;6(5):3948-3962. doi: 10.1021/acsanm.3c00173. eCollection 2023 Mar 10. https:// org/10.1021/acsanm.3c00173
  • Kose O, Béal D, Motellier S, Pelissier N, Collin-Faure V, Blosi M, Bengalli R, Costa A, Furxhi I, Mantecca P, Carriere M. Physicochemical Transformations of Silver Nanoparticles in the Oro-Gastrointestinal Tract Mildly Affect Their Toxicity to Intestinal Cells In Vitro: An AOP-Oriented Testing Approach. Toxics. 2023 Feb 21;11(3):199.
  • Marchetti S., Mollerup S., Gutzkow K. B., Rizzi C., Skuland T., Refsnes M., Colombo A., Øvrevik J, Mantecca P., Holme J. A. “Biological effects of combustion-derived particles from different biomass sources on human bronchial epithelial cells” Toxicol in Vitro 2021 May 5;105190.
  • Marchetti S., Bengalli R., Floris P., Colombo A., Mantecca P. “Combustion-derived particles from biomass sources differently promote epithelial to mesenchymal transition on A549 cells” Arch Toxicol. 2021, Jan 22.
  • Pacitto A, Stabile L, Morawska L, Nyarku M, Torkmahalleh MA, Akhmetvaliyeva Z, Andrade A, Dominski FH, Mantecca P, Shetaya WH, Mazaheri M, Jayaratne R, Marchetti S, Hassan SK, El-Mekawy A, Mohamed EF, Canale L, Frattolillo A, Buonanno G.Daily submicron particle doses received by populations living in different low- and middle-income countries. Environ Pollut. 2021 Jan 15;269:116229.
  • Zerboni A, Bengalli R, Fiandra L, Catelani T, Mantecca P. Cellular Mechanisms Involved in the Combined Toxic Effects of Diesel Exhaust and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2021, May 29;11(6):1437.

Scientific Publications 2020

  • Bonfanti P, Colombo A, Saibene M, Fiandra L, Armenia I, Gamberoni F, Gornati R, Bernardini G, Mantecca P. Iron nanoparticle bio-interactions evaluated in Xenopus laevis embryos, a model for studying the safety of ingested nanoparticles. Nanotoxicology. 2020 Mar;14(2):196-213.
  • Borgese M, Rossi F, Bonfanti P, Colombo A, Mantecca P, Valdatta L, Bernardini G, Gornati R. Recovery ability of human adipose stem cells exposed to cobalt nanoparticles: outcome of dissolution. Nanomedicine (Lond). 2020 Feb;15(5):453-465.
  • Comunian S, Dongo D, Milani C, Palestini P. Air Pollution and Covid-19: The Role of Particulate Matter in the Spread and Increase of Covid-19’s Morbidity and Mortality. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Jun 22;17(12):4487.
  • Longhin EM, Mantecca P, Gualtieri M.Fifteen Years of Airborne Particulates in Vitro Toxicology in Milano: Lessons and Perspectives Learned. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Apr 3;21(7):2489.
  • Milani C, Farina F, Botto L, Massimino L, Lonati E, Donzelli E, Ballarini E, Crippa L, Marmiroli P, Bulbarelli A, Palestini P. Systemic Exposure to Air Pollution Induces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Mouse Brain, Contributing to Neurodegeneration Onset. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 May 24;21(10):3699.
  • Traina G, Barbalace A, Betti F, Bolzacchini E, Bonini M, Contini D, Felice G, Foti T, Mantecca P. What impact of air pollution in pediatric respiratory allergic diseases. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2020 Nov;31 Suppl 26:26-28.