Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action

MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action is an Innovation Ecosystem funded by the Ministry of University and Research under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The project involves collaboration between the University of Milan-Bicocca, the proposing institution, the Polytechnic University of Milan, Bocconi University, Milan University and numerous public and private partners.

MUSA was established in Milan as a response to the challenges that the metropolitan city faces in the transition to the three domains of sustainability: environmental, economic and social. And with an ambition: to usher in a new model of public/private collaboration that can be replicated nationally and internationally.

MUSA identifies the Lombardy region as an ideal laboratory for testing integrated innovations and planning interdisciplinary responses that act on several city management fronts: the environmental front, in which urban development must respect and strengthen biodiversity and foster optimal solutions for energy and sustainable mobility, the technological front, with the untapped potential of digitalisation and deep tech, and the economic and financial front, in which education and sustainable finance are playing increasingly central roles.

The POLARIS Interdepartmental Research Centre is involved in the Spoke 1 of the project, dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing the potential of the natural environment within the city, from biodiversity to renewable energy sources, from monitoring to involving citizens in sustainable mobility.

Spoke Leader: Massimo Labra

Further information can be found at the link



AMYGING – Holistically sustainable multi-modal β-amyloid imaging

AMYGING will demonstrate in a zebrafish embryo model that natural polyphenol-based carrier systems hold great potential as natural actives useful to form the basis of a highly modular amyloid imaging toolbox suitable for in vivo MRI and difference-fluorescence imaging.

Out-of-the-box approaches for combining traditional amyloid-sensing structures with insights from nanotechnology, molecular electronics and inherent characteristics of natural polyphenols allow for the simultaneous realization of multimodal imaging probes.

AMYGING aims at the implementation of a screening platform for highly sensitive detection of misfolded Aβ-oligomers in the cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer’s Disease patients via tunable nanoparticles (NPs). These NPs comprise a core of natural condensed polyphenolic (PNPs) structure complexing gadolinium ions and an outer layer of PNPs that are functionalized with amyloid-sensing small actives (ASSAs), a combination which leads to effectively increased contrast agent concentration in the immediate proximity of Aβ-oligomers for optimum bimodal imaging.

Call: PRIN2022

Grant Agreement: 202295845T

Project Coordinator: Margherita Brindisi (UNINA)

UNIMIB WP leader: Heiko Lange (WP2 Leader), Anita Colombo (WP3 Leader)



IT-BEST project aims to characterise the formation, the atmospheric ageing and the toxicological effects of ultrafine particles (UFP) resulting from the combustion of biofuels. Indeed, combustion processes involving biofuels may emit UFP that are actually different in size, chemical composition and health effects than those from conventional fossil fuels.

The special interest in UFP is related to evidence, currently available in the literature, that biofuels reduce the total particulate matter emitted, but simultaneously produce smaller particle size with a relevant number concentration, which are potentially more toxic.

Experimental measurements using an atmospheric simulation chamber, will be performed to determine the effect of different biofuels composition, on UFP numbers, size, chemical composition and their transformation under relevant atmospheric conditions as well as their toxicological assessment.

The expected outcome of the research project will result in a better the understanding of different nature and health-related toxicological effects of the carbonaceous particle formed during the combustion of biofuels.

Call: PRIN2022

Grant Agreement: 2022CH87SA

Project Coordinator: Dario Massabò (UNIGE) and Gianluigi De Falco (UNINA Federico II)

UNIMIB WP leader: Maurizio Gualtieri